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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Actor / Assistant Director / Boom Operator / Slate Operator, December 15th 2005


Date : December 15th 2005

Cast :

James - Director, Writer
Lone Wolf - Assistant Director, Script Editor
Ricardo - Camera Operator
James, Lone Wolf - Actors
John, Lone Wolf - Boom Operators
James, Yosuke, Lone Wolf - Slate Operators

Well, we shot this thing. I found it pretty damn good, with about 11 or 12 coverage scenes. Got to swing the swords again, and today we really exchanged heavy blows, and we did it much faster than before.

Back to the shooting, it was really great, I got to climb up and be assistant director as well as continuing my acting part. I was much more focused than last week too so only once or twice i messed up, or forgot to say the line . Even though very few people were in the studio we still had some noise problems, and had to call for quiet many times. I know it's annoying when there are small shots every 20 seconds or so, but come on, it's not a holiday camp. We got more or less half the script done sort of. I don't know what we're doing next week, but I hope we can do more of this.

Anyway, I'm felt knocked out and tired, i couldn't feel my legs, it's THAT exhausting. Thanks to the gang, Ricardo for always changing the height levels of the camera, John for doing sound and James for being very open and accepting or considering suggestions...

Oh, and since it was exam week at the film school, we couldn't see what we shot on thursday, so i can't wait till tomorrow and the editing class so that we can review the shots. I know this is very bad now, and I sincerely apologize, but I forgot to take pictures and videos of the set AGAIN!! Shoot me. I will try to do that on Thursday, it looks great, and it's so simple.

Instead it's Final Fantasy mania at the Lone Wolf's, so I include some Final Fantasy artwork on the page this time. There are no downloads.

Lone Wolf


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, don't forget about the titles... editor and screenplay editor... becuase, man you helped me a lot... and the same with rico and john... you guys are the greatest... let's keep it up for second term... only more great things are to come...

4:29 AM  

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