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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Director, November 10th 2005

Week's job : DIRECTOR

Date : November 10th 2005

Cast :

James, Ricardo, John, Yosuke - Actors
Andrew - Boom Operator, DoP
Lone Wolf - Director, Off-screen actor, Special FX operator
Lucas - Camera Operator

This is the first project I am posting on this blog. This was a project that my good friend John started the week before. I decided to do a sequel to it. The basic story is that a Russian soldier catches a Japanese "terrorist" planting a C4 charge on the Russian bunker. Historically, there was a conflict between Russian and Japanese forces just to set the background.

We started shooting as the Russian sergeant was about to plant a bullet into the Japanese soldier's head. To do a sequel, I introduced a new character that only popped into the scene to disturb the other characters in the room. After this disturbance is created the Japanese soldier tricks the Russian sergeant and steals his gun. Now the Russians are hostages, and the Japanese is setting up the explosive. A loud explosion however disorients the Japanese soldier and this time the Russian sergeant steals the gun back. The Japanese however retains control of the explosive charge. The scenario ends as the Japanese soldier is holding the charge and it is about to blow, I switched a light on to give more power, this created an effect of the Empire of the Rising Sun approaching. Then we cut there and then did some coverage shots. It was fun to do, and I shot a mini video with my phone's camera.

You can download a short video sequence of the set here!

You'll need Apple Quicktime to playback, if you don't have the latest version, you can download for free at Apple

Peace out,


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